

The heart of our work, from our very inception, has been the fight for justice on many levels – from police accountability to political imprisonment. Our organizational form has changed shape over the years, but our core values and objectives have remained the same; the struggle for justice!

 And the struggle continues (Alhamdullilah).

In our struggle for peace through justice, we need your support. The human rights we seek for the marginalized will not be realized, unless we advocate for them.

Please support our work with a donation.

While we have made our mistakes, our faith and sincerity have been a protective shield. By ALLAH’s Grace, we have grown and become stronger in the process of a never-ending struggle for peace through justice!

El-Hajj Mauri’ Saalakhan

Director of Operations

The Aafia Foundation, Inc.

An IRS tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation Tax ID #47-4843512

For check or money order, send to:

The Aafia Foundation, Inc.

11160 Veirs Mill Road

LLH18, PMB 298

Wheaton, MD 20902

We also accept car donations via the TAF Cars4Jannah affiliate link. We accept cars in any condition!